Dungeons and dragons beholder types
Dungeons and dragons beholder types

dungeons and dragons beholder types
  1. #Dungeons and dragons beholder types how to#
  2. #Dungeons and dragons beholder types series#
dungeons and dragons beholder types

Turning off not only their spells, but also their magic items can give the monster a huge edge. Antimagic fields are incredibly powerful, especially at such a high level where players would be fighting a beholder. At the start of it’s turn the Beholder can choose to face a specific direction and whether or not the cone is active. Let’s discuss each one in detail.Īntimagic Cone: This effectively counts as an eye ray.

#Dungeons and dragons beholder types how to#

Three eye rays are chosen at random and then targets are chosen, which gives the beholder time to make tactical decisions about how to best use the eye rays. This brings us to the 11 eye rays that the beholder has at their disposition. Hovering 20 feet per round is not exactly impressive, but a well-designed lair should make the beholder look more nimble than the monk. The lair being designed this way also equalizes the movement disadvantage that a beholder would typically have. With high vertical shafts and holes in the wall 40 feet up, exploring the den of a beholder should be as difficult as scaling a smooth cliff side. With a combination of floating and their disintegration ray, Beholders can create lairs that will confound unprepared adventurers. The Paranoidīeholders make for fantastic lair monsters because of the way in which they construct their domain. It would suck for your players if they spent an hour devising a plan, and the second they walk through the door they have to scrap it for a new one.

dungeons and dragons beholder types

When adding in countermeasures retroactively, one thing that I would advise to do is create wrinkles in your players plan rather than outright negating their plan.

dungeons and dragons beholder types

Doing so will break your players immersion and make them feel cheated, whereas when done correctly your players will feel like they are facing a brilliant foe. When performing this kind of quantum dungeon physics, however, it is vitally important that you don’t change what the players already know about. It’s impossible for any Dungeon Master to understand how a beholder would prepare for every possible scenario. This of course doesn’t work with everyone’s style, but in the interest of portraying a beholder in it’s proper way, some concessions have to be made. To compensate for this, I believe that it is OK for DM’s to listen to the plans of their players and then add in countermeasures to plan for them. Your players are crafty, and when it is 4-6 brilliant minds against 1, your wickedly smart beholder may end up looking incompetent when you forget that the wizard picked up Greater Invisibility. However, as the Dungeon Master, creating contingency plans ahead of time is downright impossible. Nobody should ever be able to surprise a beholder. This combination of egocentric-ism and paranoia leads beholders to have contingency plans for their contingency plans. And why shouldn’t they? Beholders also believe that they are the most important creature to ever float across the face of this planet, and it’s in everyone else’s interest to destroy them. They believe that everyone and everything is out to get them. This makes beholders a dangerous opponent because what the players may think the beholder will do, couldn’t be further from the truth. They are eccentric and otherworldly creatures that don’t obey the normal laws of physics. The Mind of the Alienīeholders are one of the most unique intelligent creatures in D&D because they don’t think like a normal human would.

#Dungeons and dragons beholder types series#

After doing an entire series about dragons and their lair actions, it was inevitable for me to cover the coolest monster in the game. Every encounter that I’ve done with them is electrifying, action packed, and heart pounding. For such a bizarre creature, no other monster has performed quite as well for me as the beholder. Lairs of Legends: Black Dragon, Blue Dragon, Green Dragon, Red Dragon, White Dragon, Beholders, Abolethsīeholders are one of my favorite monsters in all of D&D.

Dungeons and dragons beholder types